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Remember the Kidnapping of Patty Hearst in 1974
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Let RetroSparX spark your memory with From Heiress to Terrorist – The Patty Hearst Story! The abduction of Patty Hearst made headlines around the world. But it was the story that followed – a tale of Ms. Hearst embracing her captors’ cause and joining them in their crusade of crime – that made history. Everything about it was sensational, from the moment her apartment door was broken through to when two American presidents intervened to set her free from prison and to grant her clemency for her crimes. Few crime stories have played out so publicly.
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What's my User Type?This RetroSparX Memory Game Unit at a Glance
Subject Category: Historical Events
Featured Date Range: mid-1970s
Number of pages to print: 8
Included: memory-stimulating narrative, 2 crime-inspired memory games, answer key
Completion time: 30-40 minutes (approximate)
Memory Games for Seniors Included in this Unit

Notorious No-Goodniks (Word Mash-Up memory game) - Unscramble letters to complete the names of some of history’s most notable criminals, and then rearrange some of the letters to reveal a famous novel about crime and its equally famous author.
Features of Notorious No-Goodniks
- 3 pages of scoundrels, from the outlaws of the 1880s, to the more recent gangsters and fraudsters
- fun 'ball and chain' graphics; large print for easy reading
- easy to complete - requires only a passing knowledge of famous rogues and the skulduggery they engaged in
- can be completed individually or in a group - two minds might be better than one
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline, with mild dementia or (with a bit of support) with moderate dementia
- answer key is included

Felonious Phrases (Phrase Craze memory game) - Draw from a list of words to complete phrases and titles inspired by crime and wrongdoing.
Features of Felonious Phrases
- 2 pages of felonious fun
- creative jail cell graphics; large print for easy reading
- easy to complete - definitions are provided and the titles/phrases are drawn from everyday use
- can be completed individually or in a group - only a passing knowledge of roguery is required!
- suitable for almost all seniors, including those with mild to moderate dementia
- answer key is included