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Revel in the Launch of the Etch A Sketch, 1959
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Let RetroSparX spark your memory of the Etch A Sketch with The Magic Drawing Screen! The Etch A Sketch was the brainchild of a French electrician. Read about how this odd little toy that most toy companies shunned became an overnight sensation in the United States and around the world. From a workshop in Paris to millions of households worldwide, the Etch A Sketch enjoyed the type of enduring success reserved for only the most inventive and engaging toys.
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What's my User Type?This RetroSparX Memory Game Unit at a Glance
Subject Category: Cultural Trends
Featured Date Range: 1959 to present day
Number of pages to print: 6
Included: memory-stimulating narrative, 2 'playful' memory games, answer key
Completion time: 30 - 50 minutes (approximate)
Memory Games for Seniors Included in this Unit

A Cascade of Toys (Crossword Challenge memory game) - Complete a crossword grid by identifying some of the most remarkable toys from the 20th century.
Features of A Cascade of Toys
- 2 pages of classic toys and games
- large print for easy reading
- easy to complete for all adult children!
- can be completed individually, but would be a blast to relive these toys with others
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline, with mild dementia or (with a bit of support) with moderate dementia
- answer key is included

All Scribbled Up (Word Play memory game) - Follow instructions to gradually transform the name Etch A Sketch into a phrase often heard when a child receives the beloved toy.
Features of All Scribbled Up
- 2 pages of word-bending fun
- large print for easy puzzle solving
- moderately difficult to complete - requires concentration and the ability to carefully follow instructions
- can be completed individually, but you may benefit from the input of others as you are directed to move ad shift letters around
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline; more difficult (but doable) for those with mild dementia
- answer key is included