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Relive the Completion of the CN Tower in 1976
Starting at $5.99 – $24.99
Let RetroSparX spark your memory of the building of a national landmark in Canada’s Engineering Triumph! Toronto’s CN Tower dominates the downtown skyline, and is home to well over a million visitors a year. It was an engineering marvel when it was built in the 1970s, and still stands as one of the world’s most impressive structures. Read about this iconic Canadian landmark, and how it has become a sky-high playground for tourists and daredevils alike.
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What's my User Type?This RetroSparX Memory Game Unit at a Glance
Subject Category: Science and Technology
Featured Date Range: 1976
Number of pages to print: 7
Included: memory 'building' narrative, 2 'towering' memory games, answer key
Completion time: 30 - 50 minutes (approximate)
Memory Games for Seniors Included in this Unit

Tall, Taller, Tallest (Fun with Sums memory game) - Calculate how structures were built incrementally taller throughout history, from the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza to the ambitious Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia.
Features of Tall, Taller, Tallest
- 2 pages of architecturally significant structures
- timeline graphic; large print for easy calculation
- moderately difficult to complete - lots of sums are required!
- can be completed individually, but more 'math brains' working together might be handy!
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline or (with a bit of support) for those with mild dementia
- answer key is included

High Time for Tall Talk ... And the Low Down (Phrase Craze memory game) - Drawing from a list of words, complete some ‘highly’ common phrases and titles and some of their ‘lowliest’ counterparts.
Features of High Time for Tall Talk ... And the Low Down
- 2 pages of phrase-building challenge
- creative graphics; large print for easy reading
- easy to complete - not a 'tall task' at all!
- can be completed individually, but fun with a group too
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline or for those with mild to moderate dementia
- answer key is included