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Memory Games for Seniors Included in this Unit

Thrill Seekers and Dreamers (Letter Jumble memory game) - Unscramble letters to complete the names of history’s best remembered daredevils and risk takers. Re-using some of those letters, complete a quote by Lewis Carroll that serves as a spirited defence of throwing caution to the wind.
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Our Marvellous World (Phrase Craze memory game) - Using rhyming words as clues, identify some of the most astounding landmarks of the United States and Canada, and a descriptive phrase will be revealed.
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A Plunge over the Falls (sample unit)
The date was July 9, 1960. Seven-year old Roger Woodward climbed into a fishing boat, safely upriver from the turbulent waters of the Niagara River, the very same waters that rush over the mighty Falls and crash into the foamy whirlpool below. And then the tiny boat’s engine failed. Read the story that brought chills to all who witnessed it – a tale that can only be described as miraculous.
As an added bonus, read about some of the more breathtaking examples of those daredevils who have, with varying degrees of success, attempted to face down the power of Niagara Falls.