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Relive North America’s Introduction to The Beatles
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Let RetroSparX spark your memory of The Beatles with The British Invasion. When Ed Sullivan invited the British sensation, The Beatles, onto his show in 1964, he could hardly have predicted the frenzy of fans he was about to unleash onto the North American rock and roll scene. Read about this remarkable band and the unprecedented success they earned as they churned out classic after classic for their adoring audiences.
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What's my User Type?This RetroSparX Memory Game Unit at a Glance
Subject Category: Entertainment
Featured Date Range: 1964
Number of pages to print: 7
Included: memory-stimulating narrative, 2 memory games for seniors that rock, answer key
Completion time: 30 to 40 minutes (approximate)
Memory Games for Seniors Included in this Unit

Twist and Shout (Phrase Flip memory game) - Rearrange words on a spinning record to rediscover the titles to some of your favourite Beatles hit songs. You will be singing in no time!
Features of Twist and Shout
- 2 pages of classic songs; a week's worth of rocking and rolling
- colourful musical graphics; large print for easy word unscrambling
- a snap to complete for Beatles' fans; moderately more difficult for those with somewhat tamer musical tastes
- can be completed individually, but get a group together and we guarantee you'll be belting out these oldies
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline and, with a bit of support, for those with mild to moderate dementia
- answer key is included

Rolling Off Your Tongue (Phrase Craze memory game) - Choose words to complete a slew of phrases that contain either of the words, ‘rock’ or ‘roll’.
Features of Rolling Off Your Tongue
- 2 pages of phrases to 'rock your socks off'!
- original, bold graphics; large print for easy reading
- easy to complete
- can be completed individually or together with others
- suitable for seniors with no cognitive decline, with mild dementia or, with a bit of support, for those with moderate dementia
- answer key is included